Splunk Search Commands Cheat Sheet

One of the most powerful features of Splunk, the market leader in log aggregation and operational data intelligence, is the ability to extract fields while searching for data. Unfortunately, it can be a daunting task to get this working correctly. In this article, I’ll explain how you can extract fields using Splunk SPL’s rex command. I’ll provide plenty of examples with actual SPL queries. In my experience, rex is one of the most useful commands in the long list of SPL commands. I’ll also reveal one secret command that can make this process super easy. By fully reading this article you will gain a deeper understanding of fields, and learn how to use rex command to extract fields from your data.

What is a field?

Search command cheatsheet Miscellaneous The iplocation command in this case will never be run on remote peers. All events from remote peers from the initial search for. Examine the search pipeline (Splunk Documentation: Anatomy of a search) Specify indexes in searches (Splunk Documentation: Create custom indexes) Use the following commands to perform searches: tables, rename, fields, dedup, & sort (Splunk Documentation: dedup) 5. Using Basic Transforming Commands 15%. The top command (Splunk Documentation: top) The rare command (Splunk Documentation: Usage) The stats command (Splunk Documentation.

The basic commands limit what security questions can be asked and answered. Alerts created with only these are often more static than can be useful. Streaming vsGenerating commands Basic Search Limitations Stats can be your best friend, but it shouldn’t be your only one. Splunk uses the rex command to perform Search-Time substitutions. Rex Command Use Rex to Perform SED Style Substitutions Set the mode s for substitute g for global (more than once) Substitute the stuff between the first / and second / with the stuff between second / and third /. Cheat sheet for splunk search command line. Contribute to xmonster-tech/splunksheet development by creating an account on GitHub.

A field is a name-value pair that is searchable. Virtually all searches in Splunk uses fields. A field can contain multiple values. Also, a given field need not appear in all of your events. Let’s consider the following SPL.

The fields in the above SPL are “index”, “sourcetype” and “action”. The values are “main”, “access_combined_wcookie” and “purchase” respectively.

Fields turbo charge your searches by enabling you to customize and tailor your searches. For example, consider the following SPL

The above SPL searches the index web which happens have web access logs, with sourcetype equal to access_combined, status grater than or equal to 500 (indicating a server side error) and response_time grater than 6 seconds (or 6000 milli seconds). This kind of flexibility in exploring data will never be possible with simple text searching.

How are fields created?

There is some good news here. Splunk automatically creates many fields for you. The process of creating fields from the raw data is called extraction. By default Splunk extracts many fields during index time. The most notable ones are:

You can configure Splunk to extract additional fields during index time based on your data and the constraints you specify. This process is also known as adding custom fields during index time. This is achieved through configuring props.conf, transforms.conf and fields.conf. Note that if you are using Splunk in a distributed environment, props.conf and transforms.conf reside on the Indexers (also called Search Peers) while fields.conf reside on the Search Heads. And if you are using a Heavy Forwarder, props.conf and transforms.conf reside there instead of Indexers.

While index-time extraction seems appealing, you should try to avoid it for the following reasons.

  1. Indexed extractions use more disk space.
  2. Indexed extractions are not flexible. i.e. if you change the configuration of any of the indexed extractions, the entire index needs to be rebuilt.
  3. There is a performance impact as Indexers do more work during index time.

Instead, you should use search-time extractions. Schema-on-Read, in fact, is the superior strength of Splunk that you won’t find in any other log aggregation platforms. Schema-on-Write, which requires you to define the fields ahead of Indexing, is what you will find in most log aggregation platforms (including Elastic Search). With Schema-on-Read that Splunk uses, you slice and dice the data during search time with no persistent modifications done to the indexes. This also provides the most flexibility as you define how the fields should be extracted.

Many ways of extracting fields in Splunk during search-time

There are several ways of extracting fields during search-time. These include the following.

  1. Using the Field Extractor utility in Splunk Web
  2. Using the Fields menu in Settings in Splunk Web
  3. Using the configuration files
  4. Using SPL commands
    • rex
    • extract
    • multikv
    • spath
    • xmlkv/xpath
    • kvform

For Splunk neophytes, using the Field Extractor utility is a great start. However as you gain more experience with field extractions, you will start to realize that the Field extractor does not always come up with the most efficient regular expressions. Eventually, you will start to leverage the power of rex command and regular expressions, which is what we are going to look in detail now.

What is rex?

rex is a SPL (Search Processing Language) command that extracts fields from the raw data based on the pattern you specify using regular expressions.

The command takes search results as input (i.e the command is written after a pipe in SPL). It matches a regular expression pattern in each event, and saves the value in a field that you specify. Let’s see a working example to understand the syntax.

Consider the following raw event.

Thu Jan 16 2018 00:15:06 mailsv1 sshd[5801]: Failed password for invalid user desktop from port 2285 ssh2

The above event is from Splunk tutorial data. Let’s say you want to extract the port number as a field. Using the rex command, you would use the following SPL:

index=main sourcetype=secure
| rex 'ports(?d+)s'

Once you have port extracted as a field, you can use it just like any other field. For example, the following SPL retrieves events with port numbers between 1000 and 2000.

index=main sourcetype=secure
| rex 'ports(?d+)s'
| where portNumber >= 1000 AND portNumber < 2000

Note: rex has two modes of operation. The sed mode, denoted by option mode=sed lets you replace characters in an existing field. We will not discuss sed more in this blog.

Splunk Search Commands Cheat Sheet

Note: Do not confuse the SPL command regex with rex. regex filters search results using a regular expression (i.e removes events that do not match the regular expression provided with regex command).

Syntax of rex

Let’s unpack the syntax of rex.

rex field=<field> <PCRE named capture group>

The PCRE named capture group works the following way:


The above expression captures the text matched by regex into the group name.

Note: You may also see (?P<name>regex) used in named capture groups (notice the character P). In Splunk, you can use either approach.

If you don’t specify the field name, rex applies to _raw (which is the entire event). Specifying a field greatly improves performance (especially if your events are large. Typically I would consider any event over 10-15 lines as large).

There is also an option named max_match which is set to 1 by default i.e, rex retains only the first match. If you set this option to 0, there is no limit to the number of matches in an event and rex creates a multi valued field in case of multiple matches.

As you can sense by now, mastering rex means getting a good handle of Regular Expressions. In fact, it is all out regular expressions when it comes to rex. It is best learned through examples. Let’s dive right in.

Learn rex through examples

Extract a value followed by a string

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Raw Event:

Splunk Queries Cheat Sheet

Extract a field named username that is followed by the string user in the events.

index=main sourcetype=secure
| rex 'users(?w+)s'

Isn’t that beautiful?

Now, let’s dig deep in to the command and break it down.

Extract a value based a pattern of the string

This can be super handy. Extract java exceptions as a field.

Raw Event:

08:24:42 ERROR : Unexpected error while launching program.
at com.xilinx.sdk.debug.core.XilinxAppLaunchConfiguration

Extract any java Exception as a field. Note that java exceptions have the form java.<package hierarchy>.<Exception>. For example:


So, the following regex matching will do the trick.



java: A literal string java
. : Backslash followed by period. In regex, backslash escapes the following character, meaning it will interpret the following character as it is. Period (.) stands for any character in regex. In this case we want to literally match a period. So, we escape it.
.* : Period followed by Star (*). In regex, * indicates zero or more of the preceding character. Simply .* means anything.
Exception: A literal string Exception.

Our full blown SPL looks like this:

index=main sourcetype=java-logs
| rex '(?<javaException>java..*Exception)'

Let’s add some complexity to it. Let’s say you have exceptions that look like the following:


Notice the “x” in javax ? How can we account for x ? Ideally what we want is to have rex extract the java exception regardless of javax or java. Thanks to the character class and “?” quantifier.


Let us consider new raw events.

Our new SPL looks like this:

index=main sourcetype=java-logs1
| rex '(?<javaException>java[x]?..*Exception)'


That’s much better. Our extracted field javaException captured the exception from both the events.

Wait a minute. Is something wrong with this extraction,

Apparently, the extraction captured two exceptions. The raw event looks like this:

08:24:43 ERROR : javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Apparently the regex java[x]?..*Exception is matching all the way up to the second instance of the string “Exception”.

This is called greedy matching in regex. By default the quantifiers such as “*” and “+” will try to match as many characters as possible. In order to force a ‘lazy’ behaviour, we use the quantifier “?”. Our new SPL looks like this:

index=main sourcetype=java-logs1
| rex '(?<javaException>java[x]?..*?Exception)'

That’s much much better!

Extract credit card numbers as a field


Let’s say you have credit card numbers in your log file (very bad idea). Let’s say they all the format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, where X is any digit. You can easily extract the field using the following SPL

index='main' sourcetype='custom-card'
| rex '(?<cardNumber>d{4}-d{4}-d{4}-d{4})'

The {} helps with applying a multiplier. For example, d{4} means 4 digits. d{1,4} means between 1 and 4 digits. Note that you can group characters and apply multipliers on them too. For example, the above SPL can be written as following:

index='main' sourcetype='custom-card'
| rex '(?<cardNumber>(d{4}-){3}d{4})'

Extract multiple fields

You can extract multiple fields in the same rex command.

Consider the following raw event

Splunk commands pdf

Thu Jan 16 2018 00:15:06 mailsv1 sshd[5276]: Failed password for invalid user appserver from port 3351 ssh2

The above event is from Splunk tutorial data.

You can extract the user name, ip address and port number in one rex command as follows:

index='main' sourcetype=secure
| rex 'invalid user (?<userName>w+) from (?<ipAddress>(d{1,3}.){3}d{1,3}) port (?<port>d+) '

Common Splunk Searches

Also note that you can pipe the results of the rex command to further reporting commands. For example, from the above example, if you want to find the top user with login errors, you will use the following SPL

index='main' sourcetype=secure
| rex 'invalid user (?<userName>w+) from (?<ipAddress>(d{1,3}.){3}d{1,3}) port (?<port>d+) '
| top limit=15 userName

Regular Expression Cheat-Sheet

A short-cut

Regex, while powerful, can be hard to grasp in the beginning. Fortunately, Splunk includes a command called erex which will generate the regex for you. All you have to do is provide samples of data and Splunk will figure out a possible regular expression. While I don’t recommend relying fully on erex, it can be a great way to learn regex.

For example use the following SPL to extract IP Address from the data we used in our previous example:


index='main' sourcetype=secure
| erex ipAddress examples=','

Not bad at all. Without writing any regex, we are able to use Splunk to figure out the field extraction for us. Here is the best part: When you click on “Job” (just above the Timeline), you can see the actual regular expression that Splunk has come up with.

Successfully learned regex. Consider using: | rex '(?i) from (?P[^ ]+)'

I’ll let you analyze the regex that Splunk had come up with for this example :-). One hint: The (?i) in the above regex stands for “case insensitive”

That brings us to the end of this blog. I hope you have become a bit more comfortable using rex to extract fields in Splunk. Like I mentioned, it is one of the most powerful commands in SPL. Feel free to use as often you need. Before you know, you will be helping your peers with regex.

Happy Splunking!

Splunk Query Language Cheat Sheet