Docker Compose Xdebug


It is the configuration specific for the Docker for Mac. Normally you may define xdebug.remoteconnectback = 1, so the xdebug.remotehost is not required (which is much more convenient). Unfortunatelly Docker for Mac (due to OS X limitations) has to have xdebug.remotehost defined and the remoteconnectback is not supported. Xdebug.mode = debug,profile,trace xdebug.startwithrequest = yes xdebug.discoverclienthost = 0 xdebug.clientport = 9003 xdebug.clienthost=host.docker.internal For all options and settings available checkout the official documentation. I've tried many things trying to let work Xdebug in a Docker container. I came in contact with these resources: Setting up Xdebug with Docker Compose and WordPress image; Installing XDebug in Docker; Starting The Debugger; Zero-configuration Web Application Debugging with Xdebug and PhpStorm; Xdebug & Zend Debugger bookmarklets generator for. Apr 10, 2020 Each dev environment has its own Xdebug config. At Naept, we adopted docker-compose a few months ago. This article presents a way to configure the Docker container and VSCode to enable Xdebug, all.

XDebug can be difficult to configure with Docker due to the requirement ofremote host IP (remote_host option) after installing XDebug and callingecho 'nxdebug.remote_enable=1' >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/xdebug.iniin your PHP image. So far I’ve encountered manual .env variable setups.But it’s possible to obtain it automatically.

How would you do that?

Docker Compose Xdebug 3

Docker Compose XdebugDocker

You can use this Bash script to find the IP address more or less reliably onmost commonly used systems (Linux, Windows, Mac OS):

Docker Compose Xdebug Remote_host

It reads the IP address based on $OSTYPE. Mac and Windows Docker versions providein-built definitions in their latest versions. Place the script in the samefolder as docker-compose.yml and run it with regular Docker Compose parameter(s).

Then in docker-compose.yml file you can add the following to your PHP service:

Php - PhpStorm Xdebug, WSL2, Docker ...


PHP_IDE_CONFIG environment variable is optional and in your .env file, which allowseasier setup in PHPStorm.


Php - Setting Up Xdebug With Docker Compose And WordPress ...

As you might have noticed in the script, you can still set the IP manually in .envif it’s not detected automatically.