Water Hammer Pulse

Pulse synonyms, pulse pronunciation, pulse translation, English dictionary definition of pulse. Water hammer → en martillo de agua. Water hammer occurs when water flowing through the pipes is suddenly forced to stop or change direction. Your water supply is kept at a high pressure so that water can easily flow from the pipes.

  1. Water Hammer Pulse Valve
  2. Water Hammer Pulse Definition
  3. Water Hammer Definition
Water hammer pulse aortic regurgitation

Water Hammer Pulse Valve

This week’s Open Mic Guest is Sen. Mike Braun. In barely more than two years of serving Hoosiers on Capitol Hill, the Indiana Republican has partnered with Senate Ag Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich. to bring the Growing Climate Solutions Act through the committee. Braun is optimistic as the bill is postured for floor debate in that over 40 members from both parties are backing the legislation. In this interview, Braun speaks to the global climate summit last week hosted by President Joe Biden as well as details of what’s in the GCSA’s language. Braun, a fiscal conservative, speaks to the broader language of Biden’s pending infrastructure bill and favoritism for electric vehicles in the plan.


Water Hammer Pulse Definition

[Skill Modules >>Heart Sounds & Murmurs >> Physical Exam ]

Physical Exam: Heart Sounds and & Murmurs

  • Peripheral edema
  • Jugular venous distension (see JVP below)
  • Pulmonary crackles (suspect CHF)
  • Cardiac S3
  • Positive hepatojugular reflux

Pitting edema: click for larger image

Water Hammer Definition

Associated signs:

  • Water hammer pulse
    Due to the large stroke volume and 'aortic runoff' of blood from the aorta back into the left ventricle, there is a sudden rise and abrupt collapse of peripheral arterial pulse. The term water - hammer pulse comes from the similar sensation of a water- hammer, a Victorian toy.

    To detect this, the radial pulse of a supine patient with arm at side is firmly palpated with slight pressure until the pulse is obscured. The arm is then raised over the patient's head, with the arm perpendicular to the supine patient.

  • Increased pulse pressure
    Refers to the difference between the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure. Normal is defined as 50-60. A pulse pressure greater than 80 mmHg has a likelihood ratio of 10.9 A pulse pressure less than 60 has a LR of 0.2.

  • Pistol shot femoral pulse
    Refers to short, loud, snapping sounds with each pulse with auscultation over the femoral, brachial, or radial pulse.

  • Peripheral pulsation
    Quincke's: pulsating capillary refill in slightly compressed fingernail bed
    deMusset's sign: bobbing of head with each heart beat
    Lighthouse sign: fluctuating forehead flushing

Algorithm for probability of moderate to severe aortic stenosis in the presence of a typical murmur.

Water Hammer PulseWaterWater Hammer Pulse

Jugular Venous Pressure (JVP)

  • When elevated, suspect right-sided heart failure.
  • If high JVP, also examine jugular waveforms further for constrictive pericarditis and check pulsus paradox.