The official CardBook repository (add-on for Thunderbird) Read more master. Switch branch/tag. Find file Select Archive Format. Download source code. Zip tar.gz tar.bz2 tar. Clone Clone with SSH Clone with HTTPS Open in your IDE Visual Studio Code Copy HTTPS clone URL. 連絡先「CardBook」 58.3 作者: Philippe V. カード分散オーサリングとバージョン管理「CardDAV」および仮想カード「vCard」標準に基づく新しいThunderbirdアドレス帳 Twitter: @CardBookAddon. Persistent sticky notes for Thunderbird associated to mails. In TB 78, you can define the note position in the settings. If you have a large screen, you can even display the notes outside of TB's main window, so it won't hide anything. Cardbook for Thunderbird is an add-on that allows to manage all your contacts under the CardDAV standard. It is developed by Philippe Vigneau. By sticking strictly to the VCARD standard (in its most current versions), functionality of the service is assured for.
Hi All
1/ check in your console (CTRL+SHIFT+J), if you have indexedDB errors at Thunderbird startup, check this :
2/ contact edition is impossible, check this :
3/ for others problems, check the CardBook log (for more log, increase the log size and enable the debug mode in CardBook preferences, first tab). To get the CardBook log, in the CardBook tab, click on the text at the bottom right. A common problem here is to have a return code of 0 for its web requests : this is due to a problem of response truncation, see here :
4/ if nothing applies, send me an email to
bests regards 😀
Thunderbird Card Books