Phpstorm Magento 2

This post is intended for all Magento developers who use PhpStorm as their IDE. It’s about Magicento – free PhpStorm plugin for Magento developers.
Features in Magicento:

1. Goto

This is a PhpStorm IDE plugin for a better Magento 2 development workflow. I got really sick of typing in Magento, so I created a tool called Beeline. It greatly reduces the generation of boilerplate code for Magento 2 + PhpStorm.Si.

Magicento extends PhpStorm goto functionality in a way that you can now use goto also for factory methods and templates. You can go to destination class from factory method by using middle click (Ctrl+click, Ctrl+B).

Also, at the same way, you can go to any phtml template from layout xml file.

Clicking at any Mage::dispatchEvent call brings you to observer definition for corresponding event.

2. Class recognition for objects

Phpstorm Magento 2MagentoPhpstorm magento 2

You can use Alt+M (Option+M) to assign class for certain object that is defined through factory method. That is very useful for code completion.

Phpstorm Magento 2 Xdebug

3. Creating modules

Click Alt+M (Option+M) -> Create Module anywhere in a file to save time while creating Magento modules.

Phpstorm Magento 2 Tutorial

More about Magicento features and installation you can find at official Magicento website.
I hope this post will be useful for all Magento developers that use PhpStorm.