Janus Notes

Janus Notes is an open source note taking program for OSX that seriously respect your right to privacy.

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  2. Janus Notes Download
  3. Janus Quotes

Janus Notes is an open source note taking program for OSX that seriously respect your right to privacy. In my opinion, the first 4 items are core, Chronos' Pendant is so strong on Janus, and I rarely have a game where Divine Ruin isn't a valuable pick up. Spear of Deso is fantastic also; you can ult into a fight, pick up a few assists and then immediately ult to the Fire giant / Gold fury. Notes and document storage Invite Colleagues See Sample Reports. Fully automated data gathering Secured and centralized data center Standardized reporting.

  • It is named after the Latin God Janus, depicted as having two faces since he looks to the future and to the past. Or, may be, cloud storage and privacy. Or Macintoshes and iPhone/iPad. Or sharing and control. Start collecting photos, links, video and audio clips. All your data will be seamlessly synced via iCloud to every iPhone/iPad or Macintosh you have. You won't forget anymore what you were thinking about when later you are on your mac writing that clever post.
  • You can add attachments to the notes and they will live side by side with your notes.
  • You can seamlessly share the notes among different Macs and to your iDevices using iCloud. That will happen automatically if you have iCloud configured. Your notes’ text will be encrypted on the iCloud storage so to avoid the eavesdroppers.
  • The encryption password is available in clear in the software and can be freely changed. It is saved in the System Keychain and, therefore, it is sure when the device is locked (as it should always be when not in use). The cloud storage (the real target of encryption) is always encrypted without any copy of the password. We feel this is the right balance between usability and security. Please note that attachments are not encrypted in any case. The source code is available (MIT licensed) on GitHub under ilTofa/janusnotes.
  • We understand that note-taking is a very personal thing and we tried very hard to have your data as safe as possible.
  • We have *no* access to your dropbox beside the specific folder that we use for storing notes. Your data is safe.
  • The app is fully sandboxed and we have no access to anything else than the dropbox folder you choose and the attachments you added to the notes (a copy of them, stored with the notes).
  • If you're privacy-conscious you should use FileVault on your Macintosh. Remember to lock your devices when you leave them.
  • This app do not 'phone home' nor access anything else. There is no analytics package nor ads for this reason. That means that we have no idea on how you use the app and what is happening. Please send your feedback and suggestions!
  • A companion app for iPhone and iPad allows you to have your notes always with you.

View of the planet Earth from the Apollo spacecraft. The Red Sea, which separates Saudi Arabia
from the continent of Africa, is clearly visible at the top. (Photograph courtesy of NASA.)


Historical perspective
Developing the theory
Understanding plate motions
'Hotspots': Mantle
thermal plumes
Some unanswered questions
Plate tectonics and people

Ordering Instructions

This book was originally published in paper form in February 1996 (design and coordination by Martha Kiger;
illustrations and production by Jane Russell). It is for sale from:
U.S. Government Printing Office

Janus Smite Patch Notes

Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop SSOP
Washington, DC 20402-9328
or it can be ordered directly from the U.S. Geological Survey:
Call toll-free 1-888-ASK-USGS
Or write to
USGS Information Services
Box 25286, Building 810
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225
303-202-4700; Fax 303-202-4693
ISBN 0-16-048220-8

Version History

The online edition contains all text from the original book in its entirety.
Some figures have been modified to enhance legibility at screen resolutions.

Linked Websites

Please visit the Smithsonian Institution This Dynamic Planet website. This site provides interactive mapping functions (including zoom), contains additional information not shown on the printed paper map, and includes downloadable PDF files of all map components and HTML pages.

See also This Dynamic Planet, the map showing the Earth's physiographic features, current plate movements, and locations of volcanoes, earthquakes, and impact craters.

Janus Notes

The USGS also has created a website for teachers: This Dynamic Planet: A Teaching Companion.

Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Janus Notes Download

U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
URL: https://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/dynamic/dynamic.html
Page Contact Information: Contact USGS
Page Last Modified: Wednesday, November 30, 2016, 12:17:27 PM

Janus Quotes